
Something phenomenal just happened and I’m recording it immediately so I won’t forget any detail. Once again, I was on an airplane when this mystical experience took place. I had taken a few minutes to visualize and align my chakras. I was reminded to do this because my knee was hurting. I was rubbing it and visualizing it healing. In my mind’s eye, I noticed spheres of light were slowly forming and the longer I massaged, the more charged with energy I felt. I let the feeling take over and my hands began to do their own thing- pressing on certain points, moving in specific directions. When I was done, I sat up and felt the plane take off. I said a silent prayer to my angels to guide the craft safely. Whenever I call them, I imagine and feel their energy rush towards my head and shoulders. I sat back and felt my energy expand. The sensation was so strong, I couldn’t help but imagine I had wings that were spreading out from my shoulder blades and settling two feet or so around me. I made the connection between auras and wings. As I sat there, I thought to myself, “wow, I really feel energized… I feel… powerful…” every now and then I feel inclined to attempt telekinesis. So I looked right in front of myself at the switch on the seat that releases the table. I tried to make it move without success. A phrase came into my head that I had seen in the movie The Matrix. There is a scene where a gifted child is bending a spoon with his mind. He tells keanu reeves, “the trick is to remember that there is no spoon.” I also heard other voices in my mind saying, “you must BE the this. BECOME the that, be ONE with whatever, and so on…” I tried taking on that mentality. I wasn’t able to move the switch, but a different, unexpected effect took place.

I became the plane.

The tubular body of the plane felt like my rib cage. I could feel cold air on my “face” which was the nose of the plane. My metal wings were steady amid the whooshing atmosphere. I could feel all the little seats inside me. I was utterly frozen in awe. Seriously, I couldn’t move. So I just went with the feeling and tried to see what else I could experience. In my mind’s eye I flipped up all the dvd players, the front half of my body arched up slightly and then back into place as if I were stretching, and finding delight in flying fast through sky. Then I wondered, “if this is all me, and these certain parts are my body, then what part do the people play?” Then I saw everyone’s head glow golden and golden threads connected each of their heads. Together, our consciouness created the atmosphere. I began to send pink waves of translucscent positive energy from the front to the back of the plane. It looked as if a “scanner” was scanning the entire interior. It was really quite incredible. This lasted maybe 15-20 minutes…? The whole time I didn’t move an inch, but I noticed different muscles twitching involuntarily here and there. I decided to end the experience and retracted my transluscent pink energy from all areas of the plane back into my body. As soon as I did, I jumped slightly as I became mobile again.

Coming back to Atlanta after ten days spent in crisp earthgirl bliss was kind of a culture shock. People moved differently. They walked faster, talked harder, and certainly weren’t nearly as polite as Yooper folk. The energy was just more abrasive in general. It was a side of Atlanta I knew well, but had never brought to the surface for thorough analysis. Needless to say, it ran against the grain.

I had one day to pack before I left yet again for the airport to pick up Dad and begin our journey across the country. I think I was anxious. I slept a lot. Put off the final chores to the very end. It wasn’t until I drove out of my neighborhood with all my belongings scrunched in a tiny Honda that I began to smile uncontrollably, even giggle a little. Goodbye Roswell. Goodbye Georgia. I am fucking OUT of here!

Oh, So If EVERYONE Jumped Off A Cliff…

Time went by too fast on my awesome trip to Marquette. I REALLY needed all that sun, lakewater, and fresh air. Thanks Dad, Christine, Jess, Mike, Indigo, Eli, Lucy, Big Boy, and everyone else I met along the way for making my trip refreshing and memorable! I look forward to seeing everyone again.

And now, I bid you farewell in traditional Yooper style. I’ve been told this is kind of a rite of passage for Marquettians, and after three visits I feel well acquainted with this laid-back, artsy, fun town.


Rock Fondling

Along Front Road lies some of the oldest exposed rock in the world. When my dad told me this as we drove by I thought, “I have to get a closer look. I have to touch them.” I wanted to feel the vibrations from near the beginning of the world. So, even though a construction crew had blocked it off, we were rebels and risked our safety to experience this rare encounter with antiquity… Ok, it wasn’t that risky… but there was an open manhole I could’ve fallen into!